Chapter 847 Did Gia Think She Was Famous?

"Eden, I feel much better because of your words. It's great to have you by my side." Abigail leaned on Eden's shoulder with her head tilted and smiled brightly.

No matter what would happen in the future, she would not give up Anson, who was handsome, charismatic and proud.

Her mother would like Anson very much, because he looked steady and mature, and he was a good man she could trust with her life.

Sure enough, she would never stop thinking about him since she had fallen in love with him.

"Hey! The two of you, don't do such an enviable thing, okay? I'm envious of you two. Think about me when you lean against each other." Graciella stood at the door and looked at them with a jealous face.


Eden and Abigail laughed.

"Graciella, I once asked you to cooperate with me, but you refused me. As your best friend, would I lie to you?" Abigail said.