Chapter 851 Why Should We Refuse To Do it?

"Yeah!" Victor nodded immediately and laughed very wickedly. She always knew that he loved her.

"Eden, are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears. Eden, can I kiss you?" He stopped and stand in front of her. 

Eden's eyes were bright, and she smiled from the bottom of her heart. Being stared at by him, she shook her head slowly, "No."

Victor was speechless. Wasn't she touched by him just now?


Before Victor finished his words, Eden stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips slowly.

If Victor had been the one who took the initiative to kiss her in the past, she might as well take the initiative kiss him and make him happy.

She knew that from the day she disappeared from his world, every step he took was to find her again.

Victor's body suddenly trembled, and a hint of pleasant surprise flashed through his eyes.

She... finally took the initiative to kiss him.