Chapter 853 I Know What To Do

Lucian was helpless. What he wanted was a capable employee. 

He frowned slightly. Where could he find someone who was capable and loyal?

He shook his head slightly and thought that it was unrealistic. Many people only cared about the immediate benefits and would consider the future.

He turned around and wanted to walk back to his office. Suddenly, he heard someone call him, "Mr. Ronen."

Lucian turned his head slowly. Amelia walked toward him with documents in her arms.

She was dressed in a white professional suit with a ponytail, revealing her facial features completely. Her nose was delicate, and her lips were pink. When she looked at Lucian, her almond-shaped eyes were slightly raised, which instantly made her whole face lovely and adorable.

"Mr. Ronen, this is Director Bleu's winter budget. Please have a look."

Lucian was slightly surprised when he heard this, "That is too fast. She has even worked this out."