Chapter 860 Do You Mean That You\'re Our Grandmother?

Seeing that Giada, who was always aggressive, actually apologized to him, Martin smiled from the bottom of his heart. He didn't like to smile in ordinary times and was very strict. Only in front of his friends or his family would he occasionally smile.

He asked with a smile, "Gia, aren't you angry with me?"

Giada glanced at him lightly and said with depression, "I'm not angry with you."

After saying this, she suddenly felt that her face was burning hot. The so-called dilemma was that she couldn't become reconciled with him and couldn't continue to be mad with him. Even she herself did not believe that she had apologized. She had been sulking for a whole day.

She looked at him and asked confusedly, "Martin, what are you doing here?"

Martin's smile faded a lot, and there was a trace of sorrow in his eyes, "Studying."

Giada was stunned.

She looked around and asked curiously, "Are you studying here?"