Chapter 862 Are You So Rude?

Haven felt extremely mortified by her, and her eyes were blazing with the flames of fury, "You're indeed the daughter of Eden, the b*tch. You're ill-bred. Look at what kind of children she have. All of you are like trash. Does she know that you disgrace her like this outside?" Haven was anxious and spoke without thinking. In her opinion, Eden used to live a poor life, so she was always inferior to others. Although she had married Victor, she was not noble.

Hearing this, Rebecca thought Haven was right.

Eden deserved to be taught a lesson. Even her three children were hateful. Was God fair?


What a joke. She never felt that God was fair.

Giada wasn't angry, but laughed instead, "You're the b*tch, and you're like trash the most. Although you wear expensive clothes, it can't change the fact that you're a disgusting scum. You should be unrecyclable rubbish."