Chapter 871 A Pair Of Diamond Ring

Victor came back with a plate of food silently. Eden looked at him and smiled. She had to admit that the food prepared by the chefs was very appetizing.

Especially the steamed fish which was smooth and refreshing.

Eden lowered her head to eat. Victor suppressed the restlessness in his heart and waited for her to finish her meal patiently.

Abigail and Graciella accompanied Lucian to drink, while Jaida was busy taking care of the four children.

Eden had no intention of going out at all. She had been eating slowly, and Victor's heart ached when he was waiting for her.

Time passed by little by little. When it was time to cut the cake, everyone was having a good time.

Lucian stood up and said, "Victor, come here and cut the cake." After eating the cake, it was time for him to go home and sleep.

He had played for a whole night and got a bit drunk. 

He glanced at Adonis, only to see that his face was scarlet. With drunken eyes, he mumbled beside Brian.