Chapter 894 Why Are Your Eyelids Twitching?

Seeing that Haven was back, Grandma Clement immediately tipped Delmont a wink, motioning to him not to mention Eden again.

However, Delmont was a careless person. He looked at Grandma Clement worriedly, "Grandma, why are your eyelids twitching? Are you not feeling well in your eyes?"

Grandma Clement was speechless. Why was Delmont getting stupider and stupider?"

"Delmont, why do you become uglier and uglier? But along as you don't look in the mirror, you won't disgust yourself."

Delmont was speechless. Was there anything wrong with grandma's eyes because she was old? How could he be ugly?

A lot of girls liked him.

Grandma Clement continued to say, "Delmont, when you think you are ugly and useless, don't be too desperate, because at least you still have fat."

"Ahem..." Delmont choked, "Grandma, what's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

Grandma Clement glared at him, "I want you to know your true colours."