Chapter 916 The Video Is Faked

He held a glass of red wine in his hand and leaned lazily on the sofa. He only wore a bath towel, revealing his strong upper body.

When Haven got out of a shower, she noticed the man on the sofa was in a bad mood, exuding a cold vibe. She asked softly, "Vin, why do you suddenly become unhappy?"

Vincent glanced at her with his ice-cold eyes and sneered, "It seems that my mother is going to expose what she has done to my father. Victor is taking the reporters to see the evidence." Vincent's voice was cold. He had not got over yesterday's matter.

He slightly narrowed his charming eyes and looked lazy. There was a sarcastic smile on his thin lips. It looked as if he had been born to be a fickle person.

"Haven, what do you think we should do if something happens to my mother? Will you still be with me?" It was said that couples would break up when facing crises, and Haven was indeed that kind of person.