Chapter 933 I was born like this.

The blood in his nose burst out instantly, and his mouth was full of a thick smell of blood.

"Ouch..." He couldn't stop screaming. Being a pampered man, it was the first time that he had suffered such pain. His face was bloody, and he looked more ferocious and terrible.

Victor said coldly, "My father is a man who hates betrayal, and he will never forgive you."

Vincent's nose already hurt, and after hearing those words, his heart hurt even more.

The loving look of his father, who had been with him everyday when he was young, had always been in his mind. Whether he was his biological father or not, he was the one who raised him since childhood.

He was a little thankful for Victor's punch. It was like a way to dispel the guilt he felt in his heart towards his dad. 

He didn't study well since he was a child, and he wanted to sleep as soon as he picked up his homework.