Chapter 937 Meet Joziah.

Victor looked at him, who was suffering inside, and wondered what his so-called happiness really looked like. 

He had gone through so much to realise that actually being with the one he loved was the happiest. 

"It's the perfect happiness to have a loved one by your side, and it would be a pity to leave her when you still love her." He said in a serious voice, not wanting to see him and Abigail miss each other like this.

He looked at Eden's pale face and his heart ached. The days before had been so happy that they had been like a dream, and now, suddenly, he felt that the dream had woken up and that happiness had disappeared.

He wished that he would never wake up from that happy dream.

Anson contemplated what Victor had just said. It was happiness to have the company of a lover. 

Could he really give Abby the happiness she wanted?

In this life, he was sure he would always be heading in the direction she liked.