Chapter 945 Not An Orphan

Kelsi was tall and beautiful. She has a pair of big eyes with long eyelashes, a straight nose, and two dimples on her face, making her look more charming when she smiled.

She held the documents in her hands, walked over to Lucian's desk, and said with a brilliant, "Mr. Ronen, this is the design of this winter season. Can I say something?"

Hearing this, Lucian, who had been focusing on his work, looked up at her with a frown and said in a hoarse voice, "What do you want to say? It has already been agreed at the meeting, and so was the president ."

These were all Eden's work. Everything that had not been completed, were all finished by Victor.

Kelsi smiled, looking very confident, and then placed the design script in front of Lucian. "Mr. Ronen, look at this. Duffle coat has always been the choice of adults. Don't you think we have too much duffle coat design for this season?"