Chapter 950 Giving Her a Guilt Trip

Phillip finally realized that he was more like an enemy than a father in his children's hearts.  

It was only at this moment that he finally understood how much of a failure he was as a father.

Even if he had almost died once, his two children still would not forget about the past and forgive him. 

He never knew that he had hurt his children so badly for all these years. 

He still remembered how Graciella was looking at him when she was sent abroad to study. It was as if she wished that he was never her father.

She only asked him for one thing, which was to take good care of her brother. He promised her at that time, but he still failed her in the end. 

Victor was not an obedient kid, and he never spoke to Phillip nicely. Therefore, they always ended up arguing.

And it made Phillip lose patience with Victor.

But even so, without his guidance, Victor still grew into a very excellent man.