Chapter 953 Play Tricks

In the bright and spacious conference room.

Everyone knew that since Eden had an accident, Victor's mood had become extremely bad.

His temper became more terrible than before. Everyone sat seriously and felt very nervous.

But some people were calm and were not afraid of him, and Lucian was one of them. 

Irene knew Victor's character. As long as she didn't challenge his limits, he would not lose his temper.

Beside Irene sat Kelsi and Amelia.

Victor had not come in. Irene smiled and asked, "Mr. Ronen, you have read the scheme of the planning department. Do you think that Mr. Alwynn will agree?"

Lucian replied, "I think it's okay. Irene, your ability speaks for itself."

"Ha-ha..." Irene laughed, "Mr. Ronen, thanks to your lucky words that Mr. Alwynn goes for my plan every time."

Just as Kelsi was about to speak, she saw Victor walking in. As soon as he entered, the atmosphere in the conference room became tense.