Chapter 960 Are You Joking With Me?

"Anson, you b*stard! You actually ruin my plan. Let go of her!" Joziah roared and looked at Anson with glum eyes.

Anson was Abby's beloved man. She smiled less and less because of him.

She even asked him not to give her up just now.

She was always proud. But she begged Anson to love her so weakly, didn't she?

Anson raised his head all of a sudden and glared at Joziah with apathy and hostility in her eyes.

Being glared at by him, Joziah was no longer so arrogant and aggressive. He lowered his head in fear and did not dare to look into Anson's eyes.

Anson said word by word, "Mark, call the police."

If he could move, he would definitely beat Joziah severely and take revenge for Abby.

D*mn it!

Joziah was simply so mean and hateful.

He actually wanted to get Abby in such a despicable way.