Chapter 962 Are You Going To Live In Pain?

Seeing that she looked so troubled, Abigail could not help but say, "Graciella, you two had lived together for a month, and now you're pregnant with his child. You are in love with each other, aren't you? Anyway, you're going to get married in the future. Loomis is a nice man, and he is rich. It's not bad for you to marry him."

Graciella didn't agree with her and shook her head, "I still want to be single, and I don't want to get married so soon."

"Ha-ha..." Abigail burst into laughter and teased her, "Graciella, you will get married sooner or later, so there is no difference between getting married earlier and getting married late, right? Give birth to it. After all, it's a life. Anyway, you're wealthy and you can afford to raise this child."

"Abigail, are you serious? Boris has left his father. Can the child in my belly live without his father?" Graciella looked distressed. Such a thing actually happened on her.