Chapter 967 I\'m Pregnant With Twins

"Okay! Thank you!" Lucian glanced at her and asked, "Are you working overtime tonight?"

Amelia nodded, "Mm! I may have to work for another two hours."

Lucian said, "Don't get off work too late. Although we have a lot of work recently, your health is more important."

If Amelia was ill and he had to work alone, he might go crazy.

Hearing his concerned tone, Amelia smiled happily, "Thank you, Mr. Ronen, but I can hold on."

She didn't have a boyfriend and had nothing special to do. When she returned home, she could only be idle, so she might as well work overtime and earn the medical expenses for her mother.

Amelia turned around and went out. Only then did Kelsi put down the document in front of Lucian with a smile, "Mr. Ronen, this is the information I sorted out. Although Amelia made the same one, please have a look at mine."

Lucian raised his head and looked at her in an unfriendly manner, "Manager Iverson, do you have nothing to do?"