Chapter 975 They Are Still The Same

"Oh! It's good that you've woken up. I'm so happy." Aisling was so excited that she burst into tears. She put the lunch box on the table and wiped her tears before she looked at Eden, "Do you feel better now? You can't have an accident again. I was too scared before you woke up. By the way, Victor, you brat! Why didn't you tell me that Eden had woken up?"

Victor smiled, "Mom, I wanted to give you a surprise, didn't I?"

Hearing the way Victor addressed her, Aisling was a little stunned, "Ha-ha..." She couldn't help but laugh and then said teasingly, "You and Eden have been married for so long, and you didn't call me mom until just now. I really regret that I agreed to let Eden marry you so early."

Victor was a bit embarrassed. He had a good relationship with the Clement family, so he had no way to call Aisling mom in the past.

Since Eden had woken up, she would be mad at him if he still didn't call Aisling mom.

He didn't want his little angel to be angry.