Chapter 981 What a Drama King

Eden nodded with a smile and said, "Dad, I’ll learn from you during this rest period. I’ll grow into someone who is qualified to inherit your position."

"Wow!" Hearing Eden’s words, Zaiden grinned at Jaida and said, "Jaida, is our dream of traveling around the world coming true soon?"

Jaida smiled and glared at him. "Do you want the children to suffer?"

Zaiden replied confidently, "It's okay. Young people have to strive for their goals. We’re old. It's their age now."

"Wow! Eden’s super-rich now! I’m counting on her." Abigail held Zaiden's arm, talking in a cute voice.

Zaiden patted her arm with a smile and pointed to Eden. "Abby, shouldn’t you hold Eden?"

"Yes! But I also want to hold you, Uncle Calder." Abigail was absolutely attractive when being girly.

No man could resist her smile.

Adonis looked at Anson enviously, leaning slightly against Lucian, and said, "Anson is so happy. Look how charming Abigail is."