Chapter 989 The Design Drawings Were Leaked

Eden smiled shyly. Victor's sweet words and promises reassured her, making her almost forgot about the release meeting.

Victor looked at Lucian in a good mood and said, "Sit here."

Lucian sat down and glanced at Victor, who was very relaxed. Eden could heat up the cold atmosphere in the office. 

Lucian's face suddenly became serious and he said, "The spring designs have been leaked, and the L.P Company will release the new products tomorrow morning. They want to give us a surprise attack."

Anger flickered in Victor's eyes. "This is the first time. Where’s the problem?" He asked.

Lucian shook his head slightly and said, "The information is highly confidential. We should come up with a plan first. If the L.P Company succeeds, we will suffer a great loss. Maybe you don’t care about money, but we can’t be tricked like this."