Chapter 991 Get Out

Eden suddenly raised her head and stared at Kelsi. Her eyes were sharp as swords.

Kelsi was a little scared by Eden’s stare, but she still summoned up the courage to look straight at her.

Eden was still very calm. "Great, I appreciate your ambition. But don’t flaunt so quickly. For now, he is still mine." She said in a neutral tone of voice.

Kelsi was speechless. Eden’s sarcasm was a huge rock pressing down on her heart, making her breathless. She didn’t know her next step. 

Eden was a person who didn’t care about little things but was very cautious about big things. She wouldn’t allow herself to be careless about principled issues and to misunderstand a person easily.

The harm that misunderstanding brought to others was sometimes fatal.

She was not an "an-eye-for-an-eye" person. she thought tolerance and kindness were better.

Kelsi clenched her fists tightly. For the first time, she could not turn around gracefully. 

Eden said in a deep voice, "You should leave. I’m busy."