Chapter 997 Did You Write This?

In the past, Victor would not answer such a question. However, in the face of the media, he looked much gentler than usual that day, "The design director in Alwynn Group is my wife, and it is because of everyone in Alwynn Group that we can develop so well. My wife makes full use of her advantage. She cooperates with me and complements me. We'll get greater achievement by our joint effort. We fight for a win-win result, and this is our enterprise spirit. Our common goal is that Alwynn Group can become famous all over the world."

Victor's clever answer won everyone's unanimous praise.

"I've never seen Mr. Alwynn be so gentle before. Look, this is the power of love."

"In the past one year, no matter Victor was happy or painful, we made it through with him. I wish him more happiness and wish Alwynn Group greater success."

"Victor is so handsome and tender that I will be his fan forever. I hope that he and Eden could reach old and grey together."