Chapter 1026 He Was On The Verge Of Breaking Down

"Mom, I want mom... I want water. Woo-woo... Mom..." Henrick became unconscious due to fever, sobbing and wanting to see Eden.

Hearing that he wanted to drink water, Victor put him back on bed again.

He got up and poured him some water to drink. After drinking a cup of warm water, Henrick fell asleep in a daze, but he didn't sleep soundly and kept calling mom.

For a moment, Victor didn't know what to do. Would Ricky look for Eden all the time when he was ill?

"Ricky, I am dad. Let me take you to the hospital, okay?" Victor whispered in Ricky's ear.

Henrick forced himself to open his eyes again and glanced at him. This time, he saw Victor clearly and shook his head slightly, "I'm sleepy, and I want mom."

Hearing this, Victor felt a bit upset, "Ricky, be obedient. I can take care of you as well. Your mother's legs haven't recovered."

Henrick blinked his eyes and felt a burning pain in his throat. He had no strength at all.