Chapter 1030 Gia Has Been Scared Badly

Kenneth asked, "Dad, did you really beat Haven?"

Victor nodded, and a hint of sternness flashed across his eyes, "She said so many unpleasant and provocative words to your mother. I was so mad that I beat her."

But he didn't expect that Haven would take revenge on his mother and daughter.

After Victor finished speaking, he took out his phone and called Brian.

Brian asked, "Mr. Alwynn, what can I do for you?"

Victor said, "Brian, check it out where Haven is now."

"Okay. Mr. Alwynn, I'll give you the answer in a few minutes." Brian hung up the phone.

Victor took a look at the emergency room sullenly, and his mind tensed with a great sense of urgency.

Gia bled, and Jaida's waist was injured. His heart ached badly.

"Dad, what did she say to mom?" Kenneth asked in a deep voice.

Victor looked down at Kenny and smiled faintly, "Kenny, I have taught her a lesson. But we need to protect your mother together."