Chapter 1039 How Long Had You Been in a Relationship This Time?

Vincent put the water back into the refrigerator, walked over and sat opposite Haven. Looking at her, he sneered, "Haven, do you know why I went to the nightclubs? You don't like me to touch you recently, do you? I am a man, and I have more sexual needs than other men."

Vincent expressed his dissatisfaction. He was very satisfied with his present life and did not want to find trouble with anyone.

But Haven didn't think so.

Haven took another sip of wine, looked up at him and said sarcastically, "Is that so? Can't you tell that I'm very tired from working now? You only think for yourself, and you don't care about me!"

He was always so selfish.

He was completely inferior to Malcom!

Vincent wanted to have a good rest on weekends, and he didn't want to quarrel with her, so he said angrily, "Stop drinking! I don't want to argue with you."

Then, he snatched the glass from her hand and threw it in the trash can. After that, he got up and left.