Chapter 1051 That\'s Not Scientific

Abigail said, "I've heard it from Eden. Where are you now?"

Maureen said, "Downstairs Jasper's company."

Abigail frowned slightly. It seemed that Maureen had met Jasper. "Let's meet tomorrow. I'll send you the address. I don't have time today." In fact, Abigail just didn't want to see her.

"Thank you, Abigail! I'll be there on time tomorrow."

After Abigail hung up the phone, she had mixed feelings.

Anson looked at her and asked, "Abby, what happened?"

Abigail looked down at him and smiled. He had always been so sensitive to her emotions and cared about her very much, "Nothing. Someone wants to see me. It's okay."

"Who?" It seemed that Abigail did not want to see that person.

It was rare for Anson to get to the bottom of something, and Abigail said, "A beauty. You'll see her tomorrow."

Anson smiled wickedly and said with tenderness in eyes, "She's definitely not as pretty as you."

"Ha-ha..." Hearing this, Abigail was delighted and pushed him out of the house.