Chapter 1066 Why Couldn\'t He Feel It?

Hearing this, Victor stopped what he was doing and looked at Lucian with a frown, "It seems that he is more powerful than we expected."

"That's right. He became a hacker because he wanted to take a shortcut to success." Lucian admitted it. The purpose of him studying computer technique was to safeguard the network. Everyone's original intention was always different.

"However, his only target is Clement Group, and he didn't do anything to the company he works for. Clearly, he wants to help Haven." Lucian looked serious. Since Haven was so ambitious, what she wanted was the entire Clement family.

Eden's appearance made her ambition come to the light.

Victor sat there in silence.

Lucian added, "At noon, they went to a hotel during the lunch break. You don't need me to tell you what they did."

Victor said, "Why do you tell me this?"