Chapter 1101 Experiencing the Most Painful Things in Life

"Ha-ha..." Zaiden laughed. He looked at Jasper and narrowed his eyes slightly, "You have a good appetite, and you can eat dozens of dumplings every time."

Jasper suddenly felt a little wronged, "Uncle Calder, in fact, I can eat more dumplings tonight." Dumplings were his favorite, and the dumplings made by Eden and Jaida were all very delicious.

Eden smiled, "Jasper, I have cooked all the dumplings in the refrigerator for you. If you want to eat, you can come here for dinner tomorrow night."

Hearing this, Jasper grinned happily, "Do you have time to make dumplings?"

Eden said, "Yep, I'll go to the market after work, and I can make dumplings when I come back."

Zaiden felt a little distressed when he heard that. He thought for a moment and said, "Eden, you and your mother are both very busy. Why don't I hire two servants for you? You don't like outsiders to live at home, so I'll ask them to cook breakfast and dinner for you, and they'll go back after cleaning up the house."