Chapter 1105 Why Was He Angry?

Seeing that she had been moved, Malcom sneered in the heart. Sure enough, girls who were born in poor families were all materialists.

"Yeah, as long as you can be my lover, I will buy you a big house so that you can live in it at ease. All you need to do is to be with me." Malcom smiled meaningfully. Although he liked Haven, he would get sick of her one day.

Amelia was not as tall as Haven, but she was slimmer than Haven.

She was not inferior to the girls he thought about at night.

Amelia felt sick in heart. This shameless jerk really regarded himself as somebody. Didn't he know how disgusting he was?

However, she looked at Malcom with her face full of excitement. Blinking her big clear eyes, she asked with expectant, "Mr. Mulroney, it's so nice of you. But how should I deal with my elder brother's affairs?"

From Malcom's point of view, Amelia had definitely been lured.