Chapter 1108 Show Me the Proof

Eden looked at a few more designs. Her design style was completely integrated into Melissa's design.

She frowned slightly. She never knew there was a person in the world who would pay so much attention to her.

She called Lucian through the company line. 

"Hello, Eden." Lucian quickly answered

"Lucian, come to my office with Amelia. I have something to talk to you about."

"Sure," said Lucian.

After hanging up the phone, Eden stared at the design again. The more she looked at it, the more she realized how similar they were to her design of the previous years.

Melissa was indeed very talented in designing.

However, her works were still totally outshone compared with Eden's new design this year.

Eden slightly narrowed her eyes. She was worried that there might be people with evil intentions in the company.

Erin had also been in the company all this time. 

Without Tillie, she never did anything out of line as she lost her backer.

"Eden." Lucian and Amelia came in.