Chapter 1114 Divorce

Vincent took out a stack of documents from the bag on the table and threw it in front of Haven. He looked at her with a sneer and said, "Haven, this is the divorce agreement. You cheat in our marriage and you should leave my house without taking anything. Also, you should return the shares of Alwynn Group to me."

Upon hearing this, Haven was totally shocked. She looked at Vincent scornfully and said, "You wish! It's you who cheats in our marriage."

Vincent laughed and said in a cold voice, "Show me the evidence. I have the evidence that you cheated on me, so we could go to the court if you want and see who sounds more reasonable."

"You b*stard!" Haven was so fuming that she wished she could kill Vincent right now. She always knew that this man was unreliable, but she didn't expect he could do such a thing.