Chapter 1117 It\'s Not That Bad

Eden looked at the laptop in front of her with her confused face. There were criss-cross data on it, but she couldn't understand it at all.

The news of the money of Alwynn Group and Clement Group had been transferred away by hackers was also spread widely in River City. Many enterprises became more vigilant, which made people start to think more about it.

The hacker could use the bug and weakness of internal infrastructure and the Internet to attack the network, and the damage it caused was often immeasurable.

However, Eden believed that those who were blinded by greed would not be able to escape the consequences in the end.

"Kenny, nowadays the Internet is expanding constantly, and the risks are ever-changing. Can you also master it with all these changes?"

She was very curious about what was in her son's little head that he could understand such complicated things.

Sometimes she was thinking that she didn't know much about her three children at all.