Chapter 1123 Let\'s Go Aboard Together

After hanging up the phone, Eden glanced the photo of her and Victor on the table. Her eyes became gentler and gentler.

"Victor, I want to go there to have a look. That's your dream."

After muttering to herself, Eden frowned slightly and pondered. According to the information Darlene had given her, Melissa was a very proud woman. But she suddenly called her. Why did she do so?

No matter how she thought about it, she felt strange.

The Craig family was very powerful abroad, and Melissa was born to be rich and noble.

Among the young ladies of renowned families, she was outstanding and well-known, and many girls envied her. 

Her father was a famous and wealthy entrepreneur who had a dominant position and a great influence abroad.

Eden called Lucian and Amelia's offices, and they walked in shoulder-to-shoulder soon.

Looking at them, Eden smiled. Lucian was handsome and Amelia was pretty. They were a perfect match. 

"Eden, what's the matter?" Lucian asked.