Chapter 1134 Did He Look Like a Bad Guy?

The girl stood up. There was finally a smile on her somewhat awkward face, "That's great! My name is Candace Aiken. Thank you so much today."

Amelia smiled, "Goodbye, Miss Aiken!"

"Goodbye!" Candace smiled.

After Amelia finished speaking, Lucian left with her.

Candace glanced at the ward and couldn't bear to disturb Victor. She planned to come here the next morning.

She turned around and left in a sullen mood.

Victor sat quietly in the ward and accompanied Eden. The doctor's words were still ringing in his ears.

His heart was filled with grief and pain. He had been holding Eden's hand and staring at her pale face.

"Eden, thank you so much for what you have done these days, and thank you for trusting me all the time."

His hoarse voice echoed in the ward.

Early the next morning, Adonis and Brian took the earliest flight and arrived in C Country.

Brian didn't have time to see Victor. He met Lucian immediately and then went to investigate Melissa.