Chapter 1172 Family Reunion

Eden nodded in surprise. So many memories were triggered again after coming here.

Victor lowered his head and kissed her between her eyebrows.

He whispered in her ear, "Eden, it’s good to have you around."

Eden smiled softly and looked into his eyes that were gazing deeply at her. She raised her head slightly and gave him a quick kiss on his sexy thin lips, "Victor, my life is perfect with you in it.”

Victor was instantly blown away. The Eden that did not regain her memory already fascinated him enough, and the Eden now made him love her even more to the point of madness.

Victor could not control his desire and kissed her smiling red lips hard.

Although they were very close, Eden was still shy of his passion, so much so that her face flushed.

She hid in Victor's arms, and in Victor's eyes, her shy look was even more charming.

"Honey, I want you." He whispered in her ear in a sexy voice.