Chapter 1176 Get out!

Abigail barely swallowed the food in her mouth and gave a sideways glance at the child beside her.

"Henrick, this kind of thing has to go with the flow."

Henrick was an actor and had read many scripts and actually knew about these things. He may be young, but he knew a lot of things.

Giada also said with a smile, "Auntie, I want a little sister. I like little sisters the most. I can help you take care of her."

Her little face was filled with anticipation. Abigail treated them so well that they would regard her children as their younger siblings.

Abigail laughed awkwardly and looked at Anson who had a tender expression on his face.

Anson said to the three children, "Kenny, Henrick, Gia, you will have younger siblings soon."

Abigail glared at him. Could such a thing be decided by him?

She was ready to get pregnant and had begun to secretly have folic acid.

Anyway, she also liked children. After giving birth to a child, it was not too late to start her career.