Chapter 1192 I Wish That You Will Divorce Victor Soon

Amelia was no longer so worried and began to work earnestly.

She was in a good mood, so she worked efficiently. When she found that she could get off work on time, she was even happier.

Victor didn't pursue the rumours on the Internet anymore. Only when he let his guard down could that person be exposed.

Although he could guess who it was, he couldn't do anything without evidence.

What he had to do was accelerate the acquisition of shares.

There were so many employees in Alwynn Group, and not everyone worked here sincerely.

It was not surprising that there was a spy in his company.

He dialed Brian's number.

"Hello? Mr. Alwynn, I haven't been with my future wife yet." Brian seemed to know what Victor was going to say, so he told the reason directly.

Victor frowned and said, "The more you chase after her, the more she dislikes you. If you come back, she will naturally be anxious."

Brian said, "Can I get her by doing this?"