Chapter 1198 She Was Heartbroken

The corner of Victor's mouth twitched when he saw Anson like this.

But on second thought, he giggled as well when he knew that Eden was pregnant at that time, didn't he?

It was a happy giggle.

When he knew that he had a daughter, words couldn't describe how happy he was, and he didn't come to sense until Anson poured him a basin of cold water.

When happiness came without warning, people would really smile stupidly.

Eden glanced at Anson, "Accompany Abby here. We'll go and wait for Jasper to come out of the operating room."

"Okay. Eden, thank you so much. You can rest assured. I will definitely take good care of Abby." 

"Ha-ha..." Eden was amused by his words. Ever since Anson had an accident, she had rarely seen him acting like this.

He was so delighted that he didn't know what to do, just like a child.

"Abby, have a good rest. Jasper has made it through. After the operation, he will recover slowly. You can't be sad. Do you understand?" Eden reminded her uneasily.