Chapter 1203 What Should I Do With You?

Eden said, "Miss Gavlin, could you please call other teachers and let them check the surveillance videos? I wonder if any strangers went to the school today."

Eden felt that it was impossible for strangers to enter the school, but she would not miss any clues.

The management of the school was strict, and ordinary people couldn't enter the school at all.

But she had been to the place where Gia was injured.

The flower pots wouldn't fall down for no reason.

"Okay!" Silver nodded. In fact, she was very confused. The flower pots had been put there for decades, and they had never fallen down. However, they suddenly fell down that day.

After Silver made the phone call, Eden looked at her gratefully.

"Miss Gavlin, go back first. I'll wait for Gia here. I know you're very busy. Thank you for taking my daughter to the hospital."

The two teachers nodded and left after chatting with Eden for a while.

"Eden." Victor came with his assistant, Dean Huffam.

"Mrs. Alwynn." Dean greeted Eden.