Chapter 1207 Someone Did It On Purpose

After Victor waited for another half an hour, Eden was pushed out of the operating room. She was still having a blood transfusion.

Victor walked over in a hurry. Before he could ask anything, the doctor said, "Sir, she has lost too much blood, and the wound on her arm is deep. Her artery artery is hurt, and her arm is broken. She needs a good rest."

"Thank you so much!" Only then did Victor look at Eden's pale face.

She had lost too much blood, so her face was almost deathly pale, and even her lips were waxen.

Victor's heart ached badly.

He completed the hospitalization procedures for Eden, and her ward was right next to Giada's. It would be easier for him to take care of both of them.

Soon after Eden was sent to the ward, Dean came back with Henrick and Kenneth.

As soon as he came back, he saw many policemen outside the hospital gate. Originally, he thought it was just an ordinary accident, but after meeting Victor, he found that the accident had something to do with Eden.