Chapter 1231 Get The Hell Out Of My Way

Jasper looked at Victor and said with a smile, "Victor, I want to chat with Eden alone. Make yourself scarce. It won't take too long."

Hearing this, Victor was naturally unhappy. Eden was his wife. Why should he leave?

However, Jasper had not seen Eden for a long time, and Eden didn't meet him because of Maureen. Since they had met, of course they would talk to each other.

He glanced at Eden and raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist, "Eden, I will come to pick you up half an hour later."

"Okay!" Eden nodded with a smile and walked towards Jasper.

Jasper's eyes were gentle as he watched her walk towards him.

He took a glass of juice from the waiter. He had been depressed these days, and he really wanted to drink, but he was afraid that she might worry about him. He hadn't recovered and came to the party weakly.

He just wanted to see her. If he met her at the party, he could pretend that he met her coincidentally.