Chapter 1233 He Actually Complained To Eden

Victor smiled helplessly. Eden was just so careless. She really cared about and put up with Jasper.

After all, after they grew up, Jasper met Eden first.

Fortunately, Eden only cared about Jasper and did not have any other feelings for him. Otherwise, he would be very jealous when he saw this.

if it was in the past, he would definitely rush over and give Jasper a lesson.

However, it was hard to have a confidant. Jasper was willing to protect Eden at the risk of his life, and it was Eden's luck to meet him. How could he bear to hurt Jasper? He would rather become friends with Jasper for the sake of Eden.

Dorothy followed Victor quietly and saw him standing in a corner. His back looked so lonely and disconsolate as he looked at a man and a woman who sat far away.

Dorothy was shocked when she saw the woman's pretty face clearly. She was Victor's wife, wasn't she?

Why was she staying with another man and even smiling so heartily?