Chapter 1246 How Bold You Are

When Lucian was about to leave, Victor stopped him quickly, "Wait. You came in at the right time."

Victor pushed Sandra off him with great strength ruthlessly.

Sandra thought she had won, and she did not expect Victor to do this.

"Ouch..." All of a sudden, she fell to the ground, and her face twisted in pain. 

Raising her head, she looked at Victor with dissatisfaction.

But Victor's handsome face was expressionless, as if she didn't exist.

She didn't know why, but she felt somewhat uneasy when she saw Victor like this.

Lucian looked at Sandra on the ground and could not help but feel pity for her.

She was really bold. Victor's arms only belonged to Eden, but she dared to sit there. 

He cast a meaningful look at Sandra.

Then he stared at Victor's calm face silently. Victor acted like this, which meant that he was furious.

He sighed lightly, and a complicated expression flashed through his eyes.