Chapter 1251 Worry About Yourself First

"It's really beautiful. No wonder so many people want to come here." She said to herself with a smile.

Standing here, she could see the entire lake. At night, the view was obscured by fog. If she could see the lake in the morning, she would feel fresh air and see the clear sky. The sea of lowers was lovely, and the flowers gave out a delicate fragrance. It was like a fairyland.

Eden had been standing by the window. She was very tired that day. Perhaps it was because she had coffee, she didn't feel sleepy at all. Almost an hour had passed, but Victor hadn't come out of the bathroom.

The waiter had sent the roses to the room after trimming them.  

The roses were perfectly placed on the both sides of the bed.

Starting from the head of the bed, they formed a very beautiful shape.

The candles at the bedside table made the whole room romantic and lovely.