Chapter 1255 I Only Love You In The Rest Of My Life

Amelia closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look at his irritated and brutal face.

She curled up her body slightly, hid herself in the corner, and her thin body couldn't stop shivering.

She looked pitiful and helpless. She was obviously scared, but she embraced herself to hold on. When Lucian saw her like this, his heart seemed to have been stabbed by something, and he had never felt such a sharp pain.

He loved her, and he had never expected that one day he would treat her like this.

However, rage bubbled just below the surface of his mind when he thought of the pills. He said exasperatedly, "Amelia, don't you want to be pregnant with my child? We've been together for so long, but you haven't got pregnant. It turns out that you've been taking the pills secretly. Didn't you say that you loved me? But you don't want to be pregnant with my child. Your love is really ironic!"

Lucian's words hurt Amelia's heart like a sharp knife.