Chapter 1262 Why Is This Idiot Here

She left the person she loved the most, and even her mother abandoned her. Now she was all alone. How would she survive in the future? Would she still have the courage to live on?

Amelia cried in pain. She suppressed her voice in the small room.

After crying for a while, she suddenly saw a text message sent from Lucian's mother. 

"Amelia, I know that you have left. Lucian is also in pain. I want to thank you for your understanding. However, his brother is looking for you, you must take care of yourself and not let him find you. I asked you to leave because I don't want you to get hurt. Please make sure you won't let his brother find you. Otherwise, Lucian would do anything for you. You know how much he loves you. He would die for you."

After reading the text message, Amelia cried even more.

"He would die for you." Amelia shuddered when she read the words and felt a sharp pain in her heart.