Chapter 1271 I\'m Cyan\'s Classmate

Thinking of what had happened in the past, Eden was somewhat sad.

At that time, she was very lonely. Under Myra's eyes, no one dared to make friends with her.

She had no friends in high school and college.

At that time, she really had nothing but a strong appearance.

She sighed and looked at the computer. She didn't want to think about the past anymore and continued to work.

She worked hard and soon forgot about the unpleasant things.

Victor woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning.

He got up and took a shower. But he did not see Eden when he came out of the bathroom.

Seeing that Eden had dealt with all the documents on the desk, he raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise. Eden was really amazing, and she was almost more capable than  him.

However, where was she? He was not used to not seeing her after he woke up.

Victor put on his coat and went out to look for Eden.

Out of the office, Victor saw Dean talking with a girl and frowned slightly. Eden was not here.