Chapter 1276 I Don\'t Think You Can Continue To Work Here

Eden looked at the reporter and shook her head with an elegant smile, "You misunderstand me. I have a cooperation with Monroe Group, and I'm going to talk something to Mr. Monroe. My husband loves me sincerely and wholeheartedly. How can I be angry with him?"

"Is that so? Mrs. Alwynn, what do you think about the news these days?" The reporter asked again.

Eden still looked at the reporter with a faint smile, and her beautiful lips looked very attractive under the sun. At this moment, she looked extremely pure and lovely, "Are you asking about my opinion? Of course, I thought a lot. But no matter what has happened, I trust my husband."

The reporter was rendered speechless and couldn't get any further information out of her.

Eden's fluent answer, calm smile and pretty face were very eye-catching among the crowd. She didn't need to explain more, but those reporters couldn't bear to give her pressure. She was just so charming.