Chapter 1282 He Has Used His Life To Love Me

However, at this time, she felt that she and Victor were enveloped by an invisible net, and they were forced to separate. 

But this was life. Whether she loved someone or decided to leave someone depended on whether this person was worth it or not.

The answer was that Victor was worth it. He deserved her trust and lifelong love.

In her opinion, she lived for her family and happiness.

But what was the most meaningful thing in her life?

The most meaningful thing was to spend the rest of her life with Victor.

She knew very well how Victor had gone through all these years.

Besides, she knew how hard he had been looking for her in the past.

She pursed her lips slightly and stared at his worried and scared eyes tenderly and quietly. She knew how afraid Victor was to lose her.

She stroked his handsome face lightly with her slightly cold fingers. Under the lights, his forehead, eyebrows and outline were simply perfect, and they looked like a perfect match.