Chapter 1316 The Point Is You\'ve Been Tricked.

"Eden, you're really amazing. Marrying Mr. Alwynn is equivalent to owning half of River City." Paula was envious, but knew that no matter what she did she could never get into this high society circle.

Now that Eden was taking her to these high-end places, she must have had a chance to meet a single aristocrat.

Eden knew Paula pretty well. Listening to her, Eden took one look at the excited expression on her face and knew exactly what was going through her mind at the moment.

Eden suddenly wanted to tease her a little. To be honest, Paula had always tried to make a fool out of Eden in high school, but every time she had failed, and it was herself who ended up making a fool of herself.

If you knew someone too well, you only needed one expression to know what they were thinking.

She looked at Paula with a smile, "Paula, are you very envious of me and eager to marry a rich man?"