Chapter 1325 Rose Isn\'t From Me.

Eden looked at her with a heavy gaze. "Paula, you will know how many times you bully me by counting the number of days in a semester. That's also the number of times you should apologize."

Paula realized she was serious.

One of the two of them had to compromise on the issue of apologizing.

"Eden, I was young and ignorant at that time. We really couldn't help it. It is Myra who should be blamed. She was the culprit."

If Myra hadn't ordered them with money back then, they wouldn't have treated Eden that way.

After all, their pocket money at that time was really not much, a few dozen dollars a week. But Myra had more than a thousand dollars a week in pocket money. All of their snacks, cosmetics and nice clothes were given by Myra.

For their age, these things were really too tempting.

Eden glared at her angrily. "You're still so stubborn." She turned around and left.